EcoBoost Transit

My group was tasked with fitting a boost gauge on a newer Ford Transit that has the insides turned into a mini RV. This van has Ford's 3.5 V6 EcoBoost that I was told also is in the new Ford GT.
Our plan was to feed the vacuum tube from the gauge through the cabin air intake so we would not have to drill any holes.
The tube might get some wear and tear that naturally comes from two hard surfaces rubbing together so Bill came up with a plan. We would get fuel line and force the tube through with lubrication.
We then found a vent below the cabin intake so we decided to feed the tube through there.
I had to get Mr. Grabby out to catch the tube as it came through. This plan would have worked if we thought it through correctly but you learn. Time to Drill!

Basically we wasted a Wednesday


  1. Good job, Dalton! No service encounter is a waste if you learn something from it. Moving forward, no more work on vehicles that are directly related to the subject matter. Unless, it is a safety issue.


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