This week at a glance

We had to restart our overhead adjustments over and do it the correct way. We got step 1 done which was to undo the adjustment screw on top of the injectors and torque them down to spec.
In the intro to truck class we inspected bearings on the red cascadia. Using DTNA direct is not as straight forward as ShopKey. Instead of being specific to a vehicle it kind of has the entire manual uploaded and you have to know what you are looking at to find the correct instructions.
 The hub is much bigger than the picture shows
Our bearing had scuff marks on the inside and the race wouldn't sit still it would oscillate.
Putting the axle shaft back in the correct way involved us having to make a gasket using RTV which for some reason smells strongly of vinegar.
 In drivetrain class we pulled the carrier and power divider out of the international and tested the ring gear for play.
Using the magnetic dial indicator we were able to move the ring gear back and forth to precisely measure how much play is there.
The other half of the class brought an old diff down and tore it apart. This week my half will be doing Drive angles and probably the same thing.



  1. Excellent use of pictures and incorporating your Learning Reflection within your post, Dalton! Good stuff for future employers to look at........your hired!


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